New Delhi: The CBI has filed a chargesheet against retired Allahabad High Court judge, Justice Shri Narayan Shukla, and others, in its judicial corruption probe involving Lucknow-based Prasad Institute of Medical Sciences, according to a report on on Thursday.
He was under investigation along with retired Orissa High Court Justice IM Quddusi, among others. An Odisha-based middleman, Biswanath Agarwala, was also under probe.
The agency had named Justice Quddusi in an earlier chargesheet.
The fresh chargesheet was filed earlier this week in the court of Special Judge Anil Kumar Sisodia at Rouse Avenue Court in Delhi. The court has listed the matter for December 20, the report said.
Justice Shukla, who retired in July 2020, is accused of taking a bribe for passing an order favouring the medical college, which was debarred in May 2017 from admitting students by the Medical Council of India (MCI).
In its first chargesheet filed in July 2019, the agency claimed that the accused, including Justice Quddusi, used code words while referring to bribes.
The agency had attached 80 telephone intercepts of Justice Quddusi and other accused which revealed the whole conspiracy.
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