Rourkela: The CBI sleuths on Tuesday conducted simultaneous raids on two business establishments, office and residence of Rourkela-based businessman Surendra Dua for his alleged links in a scam pertaining to passing of a tender in Rourkela Steel Plant.
Officials claimed that Surendra’s links with former executive director of Rourkela Steel Plant Bhubaneswar Prasad Burma helped him pass the tender illegally. The search was conducting suspecting him of amassing assets disproportionate to his known sources of income.
Burma was earlier arrested on January 9 for allegedly taking bribe of Rs 1 lakh from a contractor. He had reportedly demanded the bribe money for having gone out of the way to award a company, Vesuvius India Limited, work orders worth crores of rupees. The CBI had also recovered Rs 20 lakh in new currency notes during a raid on his residence in SB3 at Sector-19 here.