New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) seized arms and ammunition, including foreign-made pistols, during its searches at multiple locations in West Bengal’s Sandeshkhali on Friday. The searches were conducted in connection with an attack on an Enforcement Directorate team by a mob allegedly instigated by local TMC leader Shajahan Sheikh on January 5, officials said, according to PTI.
It may be recalled that the team was attacked in Sandeshkhali, a riverine delta bordering the Sundarbans when it had gone to raid the premises of Sheikh in connection with an alleged ration scam.
During its probe, the CBI got inputs of a large cache of arms hidden in Sandeshkhali. On Friday morning, a CBI team started a search operation during which the arms, including foreign-made pistols, were seized, the officials said.
The central agency had registered three FIRs related to the incidents on January 5 on the orders of the Calcutta High Court.
The FIRs pertain to an alleged attack on ED officers by a mob on the complaint by officers, allegations against ED officials levelled by the guard of suspended TMC leader Sheikh and a suo motu case registered by the Nazat police station about the attack on ED officers.
Notably, Sheikh was arrested by the West Bengal Police on February 29 in connection with the attack.