New Delhi: Like parents, like daughter. Actor Arjun Ramphal and supermodel Mehr Jesia’s daughter Myra, made her runway debut on Thursday night at Christian Dior’s India-inspired pre-fall collection at Mumbai’s iconic Gateway of India. The ‘Om Shanti Om’ actor shared a post congratulating his daughter. Posting a picture of his daughter, Arjun wrote: “Today my gorgeous little princess, walked her first runway. That too for Christian Dior. The best thing about it was that she did it all on her own merit. From auditions to fittings. To be chosen from all the tuff competition. She has made us all super proud. Wishing her more success, love and happiness. Congratulations Myra Rrampal, you are a star.” He added the hashtags #christiandior, #gatewayofindia #fashion, #fashionshow, #newkidontheblock and #gratitude to his post.
Preity Zinta, who co-starred with Arjun in Dil Hai Tumhaara, commented: “Wow! Congrats Myra Rampal, you have grown up so fast and so beautiful. God bless.” Filmmaker Abhishek Kapoor wrote: “Fantastic.. well done Myra Rampal…onwards and upwards babygirl.” Bhavana and Deanne Panday also gave a loud shout out to Myra Rampal. Celeb stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania wrote: “She was stunning.”
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Arjun Rampal also posted a picture of his daughter on the runway on his Instagram story and he wrote: “Ethereal.”
Notably, Arjun Ramphal and Mehr Jessia are divorced.