
CISCE Announces Class IX & XI Exam Schedule; Read Details

New Delhi: The Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) has announced that the Class IX and XI examinations will be held in February 2020.

The council, which has more than 2000 schools affiliated to it across the country, had in 2018 announced that examination for both the classes will take place under a centralised system, on the lines of ICSE Class X and Class XII Board examinations. The question papers will be sent by the council to different schools.

According to some media reports, the Class IX examination will start from February 9, 2020 and conclude on February 26. Similarly, the Class XI examination will commence from February 10 and end on March 4.

The papers will be of two hours duration each, except for Maths. Students will get 30 additional minutes for this paper.

Major change:

The decision of centralised papers had given rise to several apprehensions. The council, through a circular in August this year, cleared that its role will be only to set the question papers so that all schools follow a common curriculum. It also said that schools will continue to evaluate the answer scrips and prepare the results. Class IX and XI students will be promoted to the next class on the basis of “cumulative average” marks scored and unit tests conducted by the schools.