New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday rapped coaching centres over the basement tragedy that took place at Rau’s IAS Study Circle in Delhi’s Old Rajinder Nagar calling them “death chambers.”
The court took suo motu cognisance of the death of the three UPSC aspirants and issued a notice to the Centre as well as the Delhi government.
“These places (coaching centres) have become death chambers… you’re taking away the lives of young ones coming from different parts of the country,” the SC observed, seeking a response from the Delhi government to frame guidelines. “The incident was an eye opener, no institute should be allowed to operate unless they comply with safety norms,” the court added.
The Supreme Court imposed a fine of Rs 1 lakh on the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Coaching Center Federation for challenging the order of the Delhi High Court, Republic reported.
Notably, after the Mukherjee Nagar coaching accident, the Delhi High Court ordered the closure of those coaching centres which do not have fire NOC. The order of the High Court was challenged in the Supreme Court by the Coaching Federation of India.