COVID-19 Cases To Cross 10,000 In Odisha In June, Says Govt Spokesman


Bhubaneswar: The number of corona positive cases in the State is expected to cross 10,000 by June, said technical spokesperson of Odisha Health Department Jayanta Panda on Thursday.

The sudden rise in COVID-19 cases to nearly 1,100 in Odisha was expected with the return of the migrants from several hotspot States. But he said the situation is under control as all the cases have been reported from quarantine centres and containment zones and said it is not a sign of stage III.

At the same time, Panda did not rule out herd immunity. For herd immunity, two-thirds of people in a locality or area need to be exposed.

Since such a situation is likely to emerge, the number of positive cases will cross 10,000 by June, the spokesman said.

He further said there is no need to panic regarding seven deaths due to COVID-19 in Odisha as the state’s mortality rate of 0.46 per cent is very less compared to the national figure of 3.1 per cent.

Stating that people have to learn to live with coronavirus, Panda advised to maintain hand hygiene, wear masks and observe social distancing.

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