New Delhi: Embattled liquor baron Vijay Mallya on Tuesday asked Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to consider his repeated “offer to repay 100 per cent” of the amount borrowed by now defunct Kingfisher Airlines (KFA) amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“I have made repeated offers to pay 100 per cent of the amount borrowed by KFA to the banks. Neither are the banks willing to take money nor is the ED willing to release their attachments which they did at the behest of the banks. I wish the FM would listen in this time of crisis,” Mallya said in a series of tweets.
He also expressed his support for the countrywide lockdown to check the spread of COVID-19. “Indian government has done what was unthinkable in locking down the entire country. We respect that,” he tweeted.
He also asked people to stay safe and maintain social distancing “which can effectively be achieved by staying home and enjoying home time with family and pets”.