New Delhi: Several Opposition MPs have submitted strongly-worded adjournment notices in both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha for three consecutive working days over crimes against women and the ethnic violence in Manipur. Meanwhile, BJP MPs from Rajasthan have gathered near the Gandhi statue on the Parliament House premises to protest against the rising number of heinous crimes against women, NDTV reported, adding that MPs from the Opposition alliance INDIA are also set to gather at the Gandhi statue soon.
Trinamool Congress MP Derek O’Brien has said the BJP is in “reactive mode”, and doing a “copycat” demonstration to deflect from the Manipur issue.
“Sure signs that INDIA parties are doing it right.
We announced our dharna in solidarity with #Manipur a few days ago for Mon 24 July 10.30 by Gandhi statue in #Parliament.
BJP in REACTIVE mode. Doing copycat at same venue, hurriedly announced this morning. Looking to deflect,” he tweeted.
Both houses of the Parliament have been disrupted since the start of the Monsoon Session on July 20, with loud protests by Opposition parties who are demanding a detailed discussion on the unrest in Manipur, and an official statement by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the issue inside both houses. While the Opposition is demanding that all other business be suspended for the day to take up the Manipur issue, the government has so far agreed only to a “Short Duration Discussion”.
Sure signs that INDIA parties are doing it right.
We announced our dharna in solidarity with #Manipur a few days ago for Mon 24 July 10.30 by Gandhi statue in #Parliament
BJP in REACTIVE mode. Doing copycat at same venue, hurriedly announced this morning. Looking to deflect
— Derek O’Brien | ডেরেক ও’ব্রায়েন (@derekobrienmp) July 24, 2023