Crocodile Kills Man While Fishing In River In Odisha’s Bhadrak

Bhadrak: A man, who had gone for fishing in river, was dragged inside and killed by a crocodile in Odisha’s Bhadrak district on Saturday evening.

According to sources, Buddhiram Malika of Baranakula village under Tihidi police limits had cast a net to catch fish in river Hiraghai near the village on Saturday morning. He along with another villager went back to the river to pull out the net and the catch. At this time, the crocodile caught Buddhiram’s leg in its massive jaw and dragged him inside the deep water.

On being informed by Buddhiram’s friend about the incident, the villagers came with light and sticks to the river and started searching for him. After failing to trace Buddhiram, they informed the Forest officials and Fire Brigade.

Since it had become dark, the Fire personnel launched the search operation on Sunday morning. After a long search, they found the body of Buddhiram on a small patch of land nearly one km downstream of the river and retrieved it.

When Buddhiram’s body was recovered, his right arm and leg had been severed by the crocodile. Despite a search, the Forest officials could not trace the crocodile in the river.

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