New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday announced 10 kg of free ration in May (5 kg from Delhi government and 5 kg from the Centre’s quota) for residents of the national capital. He also announced free education for children orphaned due to the coronavirus.
“There are 72 lakh ration card holders in Delhi and they are given 5 kg ration by the government every month. This month, ration will be given free of cost. An additional 5 kg of free ration is being given by the Central government. So they are being given 10 kg free ration this month,” Delhi CM said.
“Those who do not have ration card but are poor will also be given ration by the Delhi government. They need not produce their income certificate, they just need to tell us that they are poor and they want ration,” Kejriwal said.
He said an ex-gratia amount of Rs 50,000 will be provided to families who have lost members to COVID-19. “Rs 2,500 will be provided to children who lost both their parents to the virus. They would also receive free education,” the Delhi CM said. He also announced pension for families that have lost their sole breadwinners.