New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has replied to the Enforcement Directorate, asking why summonses were issued to him if he was not an accused in the excise policy-linked money laundering case, the AAP said today, according to PTI.
Arvind Kejriwal was issued a summon by the Enforcement Directorate last week for the fourth time and asked to appear before the agency on Thursday.
The Aam Aadmi Party alleged that the BJP wants Kejriwal to be arrested so that he cannot campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.
This is being done to stop him from campaigning for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls. Enforcement Directorate has said that (Arvind) Kejriwal is not an accused, then why were the summons issued to him,” the party asked on the chief minister’s behalf.
The Aam Aadmi Party also claimed their leaders are not involved in corruption and will never join the BJP.