New Delhi: Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai said that 50 per cent of government staff would be working from home. The entry of trucks in the city – apart from those carrying essential services is already barred, he said, amid growing pollution in Delhi-NCR.
Earlier, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had announced that primary schools in Delhi would be closed from Saturday as air quality worsens. For Class V onwards, outdoor activities would be restricted. This comes a day after schools in the neighbouring city of Noida were told to hold online classes till November 8.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government is also contemplating bringing back the odd-even traffic rationing measure for vehicles in the national capital, Kejriwal had said earlier in the day. “We’re taking all steps to control the pollution situation. Meanwhile, we’re shutting down all primary schools in Delhi from tomorrow till the situation improves. Also, outdoor activities for all classes above Class 5 would be barred,” the Delhi Chief Minister said.
Kejriwal was addressing the press with Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann by his side: “We do take accountability for farm fires in Punjab. But we also want Centre to come forward and help,” the AAP chief said.