New Delhi: Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez has been issued summons by Delhi’s Patiala House Court and directed to appear in court in connection with a Rs 200-crore extortion case linked to conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. The Enforcement Directorate has also named Jacqueline as an accused in it. The actor has been asked to appear in court on September 26.
“Patiala House court took cognizance of the supplementary chargesheet filed in the case recently”, directing Jacqueline to appear before it next month, news agency ANI reported. The case involves alleged extortion and money laundering by conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. On August 17, the Enforcement Directorate named Jacqueline as an accused in it. The actor was rumoured to be in a relationship with the conman after pictures of the two surfaced online.
Delhi’s Patiala House Court summons actor Jacqueline Fernandez, directing her to appear in court on Sept 26, in connection with a Rs 200cr extortion case involving conman Sukesh. The court takes cognizance of the supplementary chargesheet filed in the case recently.
(File pic)
— ANI (@ANI) August 31, 2022
Earlier, the ED had alleged that Sukesh bought expensive gifts for Jacqueline from the money, which he had extorted by cheating high-profile people including former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivinder Mohan Singh’s wife Aditi Singh. The agency has questioned Jacqueline multiple times in this case. In April, the ED provisionally attached Rs 7.27 crore funds of the actor under the PMLA apart from Rs 15 lakh cash as the agency called these funds as “proceeds of crime”.
The actor responded through her legal team that her fixed deposits are from her own money and not from what was gifted to her by Sukesh. “The actor claimed that deposits are from the actor’s own legitimate sources of income and much before in time from even knowing that the main accused Sukesh even existed in this world,” the agency told media.