Bhubaneswar: The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Thursday launched ‘Wheel of Kindness’, on the occasion of Utkal Divas. It is an initiative to collect usable clothes from donors and distribute them among the needy in the city.
The initiative was inaugurated by BMC Administrator and Director of Municipal Administration Sangramjit Nayak in the presence of BMC Commissioner Prem Chandra Chaudhary.
The civic body has partnered with city-based non-profit organisation Vikash, which will manage the project, starting from collecting the used clothes from people and distributing them among the poor, needy and underprivileged people. The NGO has been given the task of collecting at least 17, 500 pieces of clothes every month.
The BMC will spend about Rs 1.6 lakh per month as running and maintenance cost of the initiative.
A bus has been designed and decorated for display and distribution of clothes at selected points of the city and around 2 to 4 people will be engaged in the vehicle to collect old clothes and distribute them. A register will also be maintained to keep the record of beneficiaries.
The bus will ply near different slums or labour markets across the city in two shifts – from 9 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 9 pm in every working day. There will be no cloth distribution on Sunday.
A Kindness Hub, central washing, packaging and inventory management centre (CWPIMC) on the premises of Old AG Colony UP School in Madhusudan Nagar. The clothes collected from donors will be washed, sorted and packed for their distribution at CWPIMC. Around 10 people will be deployed daily to manage the entire activity starting from collection to distribution.
Where to donate
BMC main office
BMC zonal offices
Call on +91 7978242201 to collect clothes from doorsteps
BMC plans to put drop boxes at shopping malls and apartments