New Delhi: The Election Commission on Saturday decided to freeze the symbol of the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) “until the dispute” between the two factions of the LJP, led by Chirag Paswan and Pashupati Paras, settled down.
In an order, the EC said, “When the Commission is satisfied on information in its possession that there are rival sections or groups of a recognized political party, each of whom claims to be that party, the Commission may, after taking into account all the available facts and circumstances of the case and hearing such representatives of the sections or groups and other persons as desire to be heard, decide that one such rival section or group or none of such rival sections of groups is that recognised political party and the decision of the Commission shall be binding on all such rival sections or groups.”
The Commission has asked the factions to provide it, latest by Monday, the names of their groups by which they may be recognised by the EC, and the symbols which may be allotted to the candidates set up, if any, by the respective groups. “They may indicate the names of three free symbols, in the order of their preference, any one of which may be allotted to their candidates by the Commission,” the order said.
The nomination for the two assembly by-elections seats in Bihar is in process.
Chirag Paswan on Tuesday had written to the EC to claim the party’s “bungalow” election symbol. His action came in view of the bypolls to Bihar’s Kusheshwar Asthan (Darbhanga) and Tarapur (Munger) assembly seats scheduled on October 30, News18 reported.