Bhubaneswar: The East Coast Railways (ECoR) has decided to run 184 special trains to cater to the rush during Rath Yatra.
Special Trains For Gundicha Yatra
On July 13, 14 special Puri-bound trains from:
- Visakhapatnam
- Kharagpur
- Shalimar
- Junagarh Road
On July 14, the ECoR will run 10 special trains for Puri from:
- Bangiriposi
- Kendujhargarh
- Bhadrak
- Cuttack
- Paradeep
- Brahmapur
- Palasa
- Three from Khurda Road
On the return journey, 14 special trains will leave Puri on July 14 for:
- Visakhapatnam
- Kharagpur
- Shalimar
- Junagarh Road
- Bangiriposi
- Kendujhargarh
- Bhadrak
- Cuttack
- Paradeep
- Brahmapur
- Palasa
- Three to Khurda Road
Special Trains From July 15 to July 20
- Total 24 special trains to run during this period
- One train between Bangiriposi and Puri
- 3 trains from Khurda Road to Puri
- 2 trains to Khurda Road from Puri
- One train to Bhubaneswar from Puri
For Sandhya Darshan on July 21
- Total 8 trains to run for Sandhya darshan
- One pair between Bangiriposi and Puri
- 3 pairs of special trains between Khurda Road and Puri in both directions
Special Trains For Bahuda Yatra
Total 13 special trains will run towards Puri for Bahuda Yatra.
Trains will run to Puri on July 21 from:
- Visakhapatnam
- Shalimar
- Junagarh Road
10 special trains to Puri on July 22 from:
- Bangiriposi
- Kendujhargarh
- Bhadrak
- Cuttack
- Paradeep
- Brahmapur
- Palasa
- Three from Khurda Road
Special Trains For Sunavesha (July 23)
13 special trains will run towards Puri
One special from Shalimar will leave for Puri on July 22
On July 23, 12 special Puri-bound trains from:
- Sambalpur
- Bangiriposi
- Kendujhargarh
- Bhadrak
- Cuttack
- Paradeep
- Brahmapur
- Palasa
- Visakhapatnam
- Three from Khurda Road
In the return directions, 13 special trains will leave Puri and these include one each towards Visakhapatnam, Shalimar, Junagarh Road, Bangiriposi, Kendujhargarh, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Paradeep, Brahmapur, Palasa and three towards Khurda Road on Sunavesha day.
Special Trains Between Khurda Road and Nayagarh on Gundicha, Sandhya Darshan, Bahuda and Sunavesha:
- 3 pairs of special trains will run from both directions on Yatra on July 14, 21, 22 and 23.
- 2 pairs of special trains will run from both directions between July 15 and 20.
Services of 12891/12892 Bangiriposi-Bhubaneswar-Bangiriposi Express will be extended till Puri from July 14 to 23 and it will have stoppages at Khurda Road and Sakhigopal.
58426/58425 Kendujhargarh-Bhubaneswar-Kendujhargarh passenger train will also be extended till Puri during the period.
Trains cancelled on July 14 and July 22 to facilitate special trains:
- 68434/68433 Brahmapur-Cuttack-Brahmapur MEMU
- 58420/58419 Palasa-Bhubaneswar-Palasa
- 58411/58412 Bhubaneswar-Brahmapur-Bhubaneswar
- 58425/58426 Bhubaneswar-Kendujhargarh-Bhubaneswar passenger
Trains cancelled on July 23 to facilitate special trains:
- 58420/58419 Palasa-Bhubaneswar-Palasa
- 58411/58412 Bhubaneswar-Brahmapur-Bhubaneswar
- 58425/58426 Bhubaneswar-Kendujhargarh-Bhubaneswar passenger