Bhubaneswar: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has seized unaccounted cash amounting to Rs.1.39 crore during raids on the properties of a Bhubaneswar-based real estate firm and others at multiple locations.
The ED, in its X handle, on Monday said the raids were carried out in connection with an investigation being carried out against Z Estates Private Limited (ZEPL) and others.
The search operation was conducted at 9 locations in Odisha, Delhi and Gurugram on November 22. Besides Rs 1.39 crore unaccounted cash, several incriminating documents were also seized during the operation.
“ED, Bhubaneswar has conducted search operations at 9 locations in Odisha, Delhi and Gurugram under the provisions of FEMA, 1999 in connection with an investigation being carried out against Z Estates Private Limited (ZEPL) and others. During the search operations, unaccounted cash amounting to Rs 1.39 crore and various incriminating documents have been recovered and seized,” read the post of ED.