New Delhi: At least 18 Naxals, including a top leader, were killed on Tuesday in a joint operation by teams of the Border Security Force (BSF) and the District Reserve Guard (DRG) in Chhattisgarh’s Kanker district. The Naxal leader Shankar Rao had a reward of Rs 25 lakh on his head, police said.
Superintendent of Police Kalyan Ellisela said a large cache of weapons including four AK-47 rifles were also recovered.
He added that there is a strong possibility that the number of deaths would increase, India Today reported, adding the encounter between the police and the Naxals broke out in the Maad area.
Three soldiers were injured in the encounter and 18 bodies have been recovered, said officials.
While the encounter was underway, SP Kalyan Ellisela said additional forces were sent to rescue the injured soldiers