Puri: Ex-army personnel on Sunday took charge of security of Anand Bazaar on the premises of Shree Jagannath Temple in Odisha’s pilgrim town of Puri.
According to sources, 20 retired personnel of the Indian Army have been deployed by Shree Jagannath Temple Administration (SJTA) through an outsourcing agency. The security personnel in civil uniform will work in two shifts from 6 am to 2 pm, and 2 pm to 10 pm, to streamline operations and enhance security at Anand Bazaar, the Mahaprasad vending area located to the north-east of Singhadwara on the shrine complex.
They are tasked to ensure that the Mahaprasad is sold exclusively by authorised servitors. They will monitor behaviour and conduct of the sellers towards devotees and ensure that no stale food is served to them. Their presence is expected to enhance the overall experience of devotees visiting Anand Bazaar while preserving the tradition and sanctity of the temple.
In August, the temple managing committee had taken a decision to deploy ex-army personnel to supervise and uphold order at the Anand Bazaar. The candidates underwent proper selection and scrutiny by the SJTA. They have also been trained on behaviour and interaction with devotees and servitors, the sources added.
Servitors and devotees have welcomed managing committee’s decision to deploy ex-army personnel for security and safety at Anand Bazaar.