New Delhi: Delhi Police on Saturday registered an FIR against The Wire, a news and opinion website, following a complaint by BJP’s IT Cell head Amit Malviya alleging that the media company “forged documents with a view to malign and tarnish” his reputation.
According to an ANI report, The Wire, founder Siddharth Varadarajan, founder editors Sidharth Bhatia and MK Venu, and deputy editor and executive news producer Jahnavi Sen have been named in the FIR under IPC sections 420, 468, 469, 471, 500 r/w 120B and 34.
Malviya’s complaint pertains to stories The Wire published claiming that Meta — parent company of Facebook and Instagram — had removed an Instagram post within a few minutes of it being uploaded by a private account ‘Cringearchivist’ and that the company regularly colludes with members of BJP to remove content deemed unfavourable to the party.
Malviya has alleged that on October 6, 2022, The Wire had published a report claiming that Meta (the parent company that owns Facebook and Instagram) had removed an Instagram post within a few minutes of it being uploaded by a private account namely “Cringearchivist”. The report claimed that the company regularly colludes with members of the BJP in removing content deemed unfavourable to the party.
Malviya further alleged that The Wire claimed on October 10 that “I was the nodal point, interfacing between the party and Meta, for said censorship activity, having been bestowed certain ‘XCheck’ and other privileges by the company”.
“As per the report, this status had bestowed on me the following powers overriding any filters, algorithms, vetting, verification or any other checks and balances within the company,” Malviya stated.
Malviya added that The Wire report said the so-called privileges had been used to take down 705 posts to date and alleged internal correspondence of Meta to justify its claims.
“On October 11, Meta’s Communication Head Andy Stone issued a categorical denial and stated that the documents presented by The Wire in its report were ‘fabricated’ and that the ‘Xcheck’ status had been mischaracterized. Once Meta issued this statement, The Wire should have at the very least paused its coverage on this issue and commenced an internal audit. Instead, on the same day, it went on to publish yet another malicious report claiming to have accessed further internal emails of Meta employees, namely those exchanged between Andy Stone and his team, purportedly trying to effect a cover-up,” Malviya said.
Last week, The Wire retracted its Meta stories “after conducting an internal review of the technical source material used, with the help of external experts”.
The news portal publicly apologised to its readers on October 27, but “refrained from apologising to me, despite maligning and tarnishing my reputation and causing serious harm to my professional career,” Malviya said.
“Consequently, I am left with no option other than to seek appropriate legal remedies against The Wire and its management/reporters… I will lodge an FIR with the concerned police station under sections that deal with forgery, forgery for the purposes of cheating, forgery to harm reputation, defamation, cheating and criminal conspiracy among others. Additionally, I will also initiate appropriate civil action for damages against The Wire and its associates,” Malviya added.