New Delhi: Going a step ahead of the Aadhar Card, the government is working on a new model of “Federated Digital Identities” to link multiple digital IDs such as driving licence, passport numbers, PAN, and so on- all into one.
According to the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology’s (MeitY) proposed plan, this new digital ID will seemingly be present in the form of a unique ID, similar to the Aadhaar card number. The proposed plan suggests the umbrella digital identity will “empower” a citizen by “putting her in control of these identities and providing her with the option of choosing which one to use for what purpose,” The Indian Express reported.
The Federal Digital Identity will also seemingly serve as a one-stop destination to store Central and State-related ID data. This digital ID could be used for KYC or eKYC (know your customer) processes. The proposed plan has been moved under the India Enterprise Architecture (IndEA) 2.0 which was first introduced in 2017 to essentially bring government and private entities to ease online identification processes, the report added.