New Delhi: The Gadar 2 mania continues with the Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel starrer making records at the Indian box office. As per early estimates, the movie reportedly earned around Rs 57 crore on August 15, making it the highest Independence Day box office collection for any Indian movie. Directed by Anil Sharma, Gadar hit the theatres on August 11 alongside Akshay Kumar starrer OMG 2.
The afternoon and evening shows for Gadar 2 are running at 100 percent occupancy across the country, according to a report in Pinkvilla. The film also delivered one of the best Monday collections in the history of Hindi cinema. After an impressive Rs 134 crore opening weekend, Gadar 2 collected over Rs 39 crore nett on the fourth day of its release in India. Interestingly, Gadar 2 also defeated Rajinikanth starrer Jailer, which minted Rs 28 crore nett in India on Monday.