Gautam Gambhir To Give Oxygen Concentrators Free Of Cost To COVID Patients

New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party MP Gautam Gambhir will give away 200 oxygen concentrators to mild or moderate COVID patients free of cost from Sunday.

“I’ve ordered 200 oxygen concentrators and will distribute them among people for free. It will start tomorrow. People have to bring doctor’s prescription and patient’s oxygen level details to get oxygen concentrators,” ANI quoted him as saying.

Thousands of COVID patients in Delhi have been left in the lurch due to a severe crisis of medical oxygen, with many dying also.

“The concentrators, that have been bought by the MP out of his own pocket, will be made available to all those suffering from mild to moderate COVID-19 infection at home,” a statement issued by Gambhir’s office said.

Last week, the World Cup-winning former Team India cricketer was in the news after he decided to offer antiviral drug Fabiflu for free. Opposition leaders accused him of hoarding the drug.

Also Read: Gautam Gambhir’s ‘Jan Rasoi’ Canteens To Serve Lunch At Re 1

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