Google on Tuesday announced three India specific updates on its Maps application. Users in 10 Indian cities can now see the live train status of Indian Railways and also get bus updates in real time. The mixed-mode commute suggestions now includes auto-rickshaws.
“Google Maps is being used by over a billion travellers to navigate and explore their world, wherever they are. And we at Google, are focused on building Maps features that will help deliver a more relevant, accurate, and reliable experience for commuters,” said Taylah Hasaballah, Product Manager of Google Maps.
Users can view bus travel times and delays based on live traffic data.
The new features are now live in Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, Lucknow, Chennai, Mysore, Coimbatore, and Surat.
Google Maps in these cities now shows the real-time status of when a train is going to arrive and list of trains in your route. Google had acquired ‘Where is My Train’ app last year.
In mixed-mode travel, users can see auto-rickshaw meter estimates and times. This feature would, however, be available only in Bengaluru and Delhi initially.
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