New Delhi: The Central government on Monday blocked 16 YouTube channels and a Facebook account for spreading “disinformation related to India’s national security, foreign relations, and public order.”
The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting utilized the emergency powers under IT Rules, 2021, to issue directions for blocking of these channels.
The blocked social media accounts include 6 Pakistan-based and 10 India-based YouTube news channels, with a cumulative viewership of over 68 crore and more than 42 lakh subscribers.
“It was observed that these channels were used to spread fake news on matters related to national security, India’s foreign relations, communal harmony in the country, and public order. None of the digital news publishers had furnished information to the Ministry as required under rule 18 of the IT Rules, 2021,” said an I&B ministry press release issued by PIB.
In January, 35 Pakistan-based YouTube channels and 2 websites were banned for spreading anti-India fake news.
Following are the banned India-based channels:
* Saini Education research — 5,870,029 views & 59,700 subscribers
* Hindi mein dekho — 25,047,357 views & 3,53,000 subscribers
* Technical Yogendra — 8,019,691 views & 2,90,000 subscribers
* Aaj te news — 3,249,179 views
* SBB news — 161,614,244 views
* Defence news 24X7 — 13,356,737 views
* The study time — 57,634,260 views & 3,65,000 subscribers
* Latest update — 34,372,518 views
* MRF TV LIVE — 1,960,852 views & 26,700 subscribers
* Tahaffuz-E-Deen India — 109,970,287 views & 7,30,000 subscribers.