New Delhi: In a significant move, the Central government has decided to grant 42 days of special casual leave to its employees for organ donation.
The existing provision of 30 days’ special leave was enhanced considering the time taken for recovery after the major surgery.
“Organ removal from a donor is a major surgery, which requires time for recovery, including both hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation periods,” the government said in an order.
“Keeping in view the noble activity to help another human being and to promote organ donation among Central government employees, it has now been decided to grant a maximum of 42 days special casual leave to a central government servant for donating their organ(s) to another human being, as a special welfare measure in public interest,” it added.
Leave will be granted for all types of donation, provided that donor has been duly approved for donation by government-registered medical practitioner in accordance with Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994.
Irrespective of the type of surgery for removal of donor’s organ, duration of special casual leave will be a maximum of 42 days.
It can be availed from a maximum of one week prior to surgery on recommendation of government-registered medical practitioner/doctor, the order said.