New Delhi: The first look of the popular video game franchise “Grand Theft Auto 6” has gone viral on social media with the surprise release of the trailer on Monday. The official handle of Jio Cinema took to social media to share AI-generated pictures of some Indian cricket team stars in the looks of GTA 6 characters. The posts on the social media platform X featured Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma, Hardik Pandya, KL Rahul and Ravindra Jadeja looking like the characters in the popular game franchise. The users were quite impressed with the pictures and some of them came up with interesting comments.
The video game will be set in fictional Vice City, reminiscent of Miami, and appears to feature the first playable female character in the franchise.
Dropping it 🔥 like a #GTA6 🎮
Which of these #TeamIndia ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️can you identify from the #GTA universe? 😍#JioCinemaSports
— JioCinema (@JioCinema) December 5, 2023
— JioCinema (@JioCinema) December 5, 2023
“Our trailer has leaked so please watch the real thing,” Rockstar Games, the company behind GTA, said in a post on X.
The video garnered some 2.2 million likes on YouTube within about 30 minutes of being posted on the site.
Released a decade ago, GTA V has sold around 190 million copies, according to Rockstar-parent Take-Two Interactive, making it the best-selling game in the United States for the past decade based on both unit and dollar sales.