Mumbai: Television actress Sambhavna Seth, who went to attend actor Sidharth Shukla’s cremation with her husband Avinash Dwivedi on Friday entered into a fight with a policeman at the Oshiwara crematorium.
She apparently lost her cool after a policeman allegedly manhandled her husband Avinash.
In the videos that went viral on social media, Sambhavna can be seen shouting at policemen. In one video Sambhavna can be seen standing at the gate of the crematorium with her husband and friends. A group of policemen have surrounded her. As she walks away a policeman can be seen holding Avinash by his T-Shirt. Then a scuffle broke out between them and the policeman pushed Avinash by putting his hand on Avinash’s face, as seen in the video.
Sambhavana lost her cool after this and rushed towards the policeman. Pointing towards Avinash, one of his friends shouted at the policeman asking why he touched his friend. Sambhavna pulled her husband towards herself.
Avinash tells the policeman that he had hit him but the policeman refutes the allegation. Amidst all this Sambhavna continues arguing with the policemen. She asked the policeman how he could hold her husband’s t-shirt.