New Delhi: Having suffered a heart attack, Sushmita Sen, is now on the road to recovery and has also resumed her work. Her cardiologist Dr Rajiv Bhagwat, who performed her surgery had this to say on whether his 47-year-old patient ignored any warning signs. “It’s difficult to say that but let’s say, ‘Sushmita is blessed that she came in at the right time and right place,” he told Times of India. He was also asked if Sushmita’s “high physical activity” limited the damage,” and he replied, “Yes”. He added, “Her high physical activity indeed helped in ensuring that the damage was limited. This is the biggest message that has come out.”
He continued, “What is important to underline here is that exercising should not be more than 3 to 4 days a week; it should not be on a daily basis, give time for the body to recover from the strain of exercise. I am certainly not advocating that one needs to push him/herself so much as if he/she is out there to become a physical trainer. With continuous exercise without rest and adequate sleep, the hormone levels may not cool down and that poses a huge risk.”
Asked how he and the actress maintained a low profile, Dr Rajiv told TOI, “Good, that’s how it should be. That’s the beauty of this episode. So it all went very peacefully.”