New Delhi: Twitter shared the encouraging results of an experiment it launched last May among Android users on Wednesday.
“Headlines don’t tell the whole story. You can read the article on Twitter before Retweeting,” read the Twitter banner.
After seeing these warnings, 40 per cent of the users clicked more often on the news links they were about to share via their account. While the fact that they clicked does not necessarily mean that the user read the article in question in its entirety, Twitter revealed that a third of those involved in the experiment (33 per cent) retweeted more press articles after having read them.
The study also showed that some users changed their minds about sharing certain stories on their account after having consulted them.
“It’s easy for articles to go viral on Twitter. At times, this can be great for sharing information, but can also be detrimental for discourse, especially if people haven’t read what they’re tweeting,” Twitter Director of Product Management Suzanne Xie was quoted as saying by Tech Crunch.
Twitter has announced that this new feature will be tested by every user in the coming weeks.
Twitter’s new feature is rolling out at a time when the tech giants are under attack because of harmful and fake medical and conspiracy-promoting information spreading on their platforms.