Amroha: Moradabad hospital in Uttar Pradesh’s Amroha district mistakenly quarantined eight family members of a 66-year old man, whose test report was misprinted as corona positive by the laboratory.
The man was suffering from cold and sore throat, therefore, to check the possibility of him having contracted the coronavirus, his blood samples were sent to Aligarh laboratory for tests last week. The test report showed that he was corona positive.
“The test report of a Naugawan Sadat (a town in Amroha) local was misprinted. As per the earlier report, he was shown COVID-19 positive but when we reconfirmed the same, it was found that he was corona negative and it was a typing error,” Amroha CMO, Megh Singh was quoted by media as saying.
The man, including his family members, were later discharged from the hospital.