Mumbai: Bollywood star Salman Khan on Tuesday launched wellness coach Deanne Panday’s new book titled ‘Balance: The Secret To True Health And Happiness In 13 Ways’.
During the book launch on NDTV, Salman opened up about his temperament and said that he has a lot of anger, which is actually good.
The actor went on to say that anger is needed when one has to take a stand for something.
“I have anger, which is needed. Anger is not bad, if you want to take a stand you should have anger. I don’t have a temper and that’s not good. We get upset about small things like if someone is late, or if the shoot didn’t start on time. I tell people, look around and see how privileged we are, we should just be grateful for what all we have,” said Salman, as quoted by NDTV.
Agreeing with Salman, the author of the book, Deanne added, “He is right. Bad temper is something that’s not good for anybody, I agree with Salman.”
Deanne’s book focuses on 13 essential things including relationships, home, finance, career, health, physical activity, joy, spirituality, home-cooked food, creativity, education, social life, and climate change that are needed for a happy and healthy life.
At the book launch, Salman also said that he loves the food prepared by his mother and always prefers to have home-cooked food even on film sets.
“It’s an acquired taste from childhood which can’t change. I tried to cook during the lockdown. I managed egg bhurji, dal, roti, and a few other things. I follow my mother’s recipe. But even if I follow that it can never have the taste that she manages to get out of it,” said the actor while talking about healthy food habits.
Deanne’s book is published by Penguin Random House India and is available for Rs 299.
“I wanted Salman to launch this book and talk about it because he and his family follow all these things. Eating home-cooked food, doing charity, giving back to society, taking care of health, managing, and nurturing relationships,” said Deanne.
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