
IIT Bhubaneswar Reports Significant Rise In GATE Scores For MTech Admissions

Bhubaneswar: IIT Bhubaneswar released the first list of selection for MTech admissions for the July 2020 academic session in 14 MTech specialisations from five schools of the Institute. The list was uploaded on the website last week.

In view of the COVID-19 pandemic this year, the short-listing and selection of the candidates are based on the GATE score with some weightage given to the performance of the candidates in the B.Tech and Class XII examinations.

The institute reported a very significant rise in the opening and closing GATE scores of the selected candidates in all categories of reservation and in all the programmes this year compared to last year.

The average rise this year in the opening and closing ranks over the last year is 8.6 and 12.17 percent respectively.

The opening and closing GATE score for the Computer Science and Engineering specialisation this year is 888 and 779, respectively for the general category and 737 and 616, respectively for the SC category.

Speaking on the occasion, the Director, Prof R V Raja Kumar said, “Obviously, a student would like to choose the best possible institute for education. The closing and the opening scores of the selected list of candidates is an acid test of how an institution is functioning since it directly reflects the confidence level of the stakeholders. We have been observing this rising trend for the last three years in all the programmes including BTech, MTech, and MSc at IIT Bhubaneswar. Despite that, the seats in the IIT system are significantly increasing over time. A rise of 12.17% is very significant, it is very satisfying to all of us at IIT Bhubaneswar. It would encourage us to work harder and I am confident that the institute will continue this rising trend in the coming years.”

Dean Academic Affairs, Dr. P.R. Sahu, mentioned that just like the previous year, the institute is participating in the centralised admission procedure through Common Offer Acceptance Portal (COAP) for offering admission to the candidates.

The first round of offer was released in the last week and there will be a total of 10 rounds of offers, the last of which will be between August 7 and 9, 2020.

This year, undergraduate admissions will take some more time due to the COVID-19 pandemic.