[In Pictures] How Heroes In Uniform Lived In Tough Terrains Through 1999 Kargil War

Bhubaneswar: July 26, 1999 holds a special significance in the history of India. It commemorates the country’s victory over Pakistan in the Kargil War of 1999. It marks the successful culmination of Operation Vijay.

In this operation, the Indian Armed Forces reclaimed the territories in the Kargil district of Jammu and Kashmir that were infiltrated by Pakistani soldiers and militants.

Chronology of How India Won Kargil War
3 May, 1999: Pakistan intrusion reported in Kargil
10 May: Infiltrations detected in Drass, Kaksar and Mushkoh
26 May: Indian Air Force launches air strikes against infiltrations
5 June: India releases documents indicating Pakistan’s involvement
13th June: Indian Army secures Tololing in Drass
4th July: Tiger Hill recaptured after an 11-hour battle
5th July: Indian Army recaptures Drass
7th July: Indian Army recaptures Batalik
14th July: India declares Operation Vijay a success
26th July: Kargil conflict comes to an end officially

Here are some archival photographs of how soldiers lived in the tough terrains during the war:

Pic credit: X handle of Brig Khushal Thakur (Retd), @ghatakoperator





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