New Delhi: India witnessed 50,407 new COVID cases in the last 24 hours on Saturday. The figure is 13 per cent lower than Friday. There was also a marginal dip in daily positivity rate to 3.48 per cent.
India’s active cases currently stand at 6,10,443, which are 1.43 per cent of the total COVID infections in the country. Cases are on a decline in most states in India after a surge in January led by the new COVID variant Omicron.
With the daily positivity rate dropping marginally to 3.48 per cent, the weekly positivity rate is at 5.07 per cent in India.
As many as 804 fatalities were witnessed in the last 24 hours. The figure includes a backlog of 251 deaths in Kerala.
The current recovery rate is 97.37 per cent with 1,36,962 recoveries in the last 24 hours.
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