New Delhi: The Punjab government suspended all mobile internet, SMS and dongle services provided on mobile networks, except the voice call, till Sunday afternoon after Khalistani leader and Waris Punjab De chief Amritpal Singh was detained near Jalandhar’s Nakodar on Saturday afternoon.
“All mobile internet services, all SMS services (except banking and mobile recharge) and all dongle services provided on mobile networks, except the voice call, in the territorial jurisdiction of Punjab shall be suspended from 18th March (12:00 hours) to 19th March (12:00 hours) in the interest of public safety,” said Punjab’s department of Home Affairs and Justice.
Over 50 police vehicles chased the Khalistani leader and his aides in an attempt to arrest them this morning after the Punjab Police traced Singh’s latest location near Shahkot, the India Today reported.
Six of his aides were earlier detained in Jalandhar and they are being questioned at an undisclosed location, it added.