New Delhi: The Special Cell of Delhi Police arrested Rizwan Abdul, a resident of Daryaganj, on Thursday night for his alleged links to the terrorist group Islamic State (IS). Rizwan, allegedly the key operative of the Pune module, had a Rs 3 lakh bounty on his head, placed by the National Investigation Agency (NIA), Hindustan Times reported.
Further investigations are underway to uncover more details about Abdul’s involvement and connections.
The NIA had earlier announced a reward of Rs 3 lakh for information leading to Rizwan’s capture. The NIA had already arrested seven individuals involved in the ISIS Pune module. However, three suspects, including Rizwan, escaped during the crackdown. During the arrest, the Special Cell also recovered a cache of weapons, including a pistol, further indicating Rizwan’s active involvement in terrorist activities, according to IndiaTV.
Rizwan had evaded capture for years. His arrest marks a significant breakthrough in ongoing efforts to dismantle ISIS-linked terror networks in India.