Mumbai: The Bombay High Court dismissed the petition filed by Rabia Khan, the mother of Bollywood actor Jiah Khan with a request to reopen the investigation into her nine-year-old death case.
Jiah was found hanging at her Mumbai residence on June 3, 2013. Rabia had then accused her boyfriend, Sooraj Pancholi, of abetment to suicide.
Alleging that her daughter was murdered and errors in the prior investigation conducted by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), she sought a fresh probe into the case by an independent and special agency with assistance from the United States’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The case was transferred to CBI in July 2014 after Rabia had moved the HC, alleging flaws in Mumbai Police’s preliminary investigation into the case. Her lawyer argued that the CBI committed the same ‘errors’.
A division bench of Justices A S Gadkari and M N Jadhav, however, noted that it has faith in the agency that probed the case.