Watch: Justin Bieber Says He Is Suffering From Facial Paralysis, Eye Doesn’t Blink

New Delhi: Popular singer and Grammy winner Justin Bieber took to Instagram to reveal that he has facial paralysis caused by the rare Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. The right side of his face is paralysed.

In a video posted on June 10, Justin Bieber explained the disorder and captioned it “IMPORTANT PLEASE WATCH. I love you guys and keep me in your prayers”.

According to the Mayo clinic, Ramsay Hunt Syndrome attacks facial nerves and is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox.

In the video, he shows his followers how he can barely move the right half of his face due to partial paralysis. “As you can see from my face, I have this syndrome called Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, and it is from this virus that attacks the facial nerves in my ear and causes paralysis.”


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One of his eyes doesn’t blink. “I can’t smile on this side of my face. This nostril will not move. So there’s full paralysis on this side of my face. This is pretty serious, as you can see. I wish this wasn’t the case, but, obviously, my body’s telling me I’ve got to slow down. I hope you guys understand. I’ll be using this time to just rest and relax and get back to a hundred per cent so that I can do what I was born to do,” he adds.

Revealing that he was doing facial exercises to get his face back to normal, the Canadian singer says he is unsure of how long it will take to heal.

On a positive attitude about what he is going through, the Canadian singer says, “It will go back to normal. We just don’t know how much time it is going to take. It’s going to be okay. I trust God and this is all for a reason. I just don’t know why right now.”

Justin’s 3-minute video garnered 14 million views in only a few hours. Thousands of people wrote in the comments section praying for him to get better.

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