New Delhi: Bollywood actress Kajol has announced she is quitting Instagram. The actress took to Instagram and announced her decision. She shared a post with the message, “Facing one of the toughest trials of my life.” She shared the post with the caption, “Taking a break from social media.” Kajol did not reveal the reason behind the move and removed all her posts.
Several fans took to the comments section to show their support for her decision. “I hope that the break does you great good and I wish you the very best as you navigate the tough parts of life. Prayers and love,” a fan wrote. “Love you, be safe and healthy,” added another. “You are strong enough to face any problem. soon you will overcome,” a third fan wrote.
“I don’t know what happened that made you make such a decision, but know that we, the fans, love you and we miss your captions and beautiful posts, We wish you the best💔❤❤🍀” a fourth fan wrote. “Take ur time queen, hope u r fine there. Sending u lots of love and hugs. We will always be here for u❤️ we love u queen @kajol,” a fan added.
However, a couple of her followers also speculated that this move could be connected to her upcoming project, The Good Wife. “When is the good wife trailer out 😂” a social media user asked.
Kajol will be seen in the Indian adaptation of The Good Wife. The US version of The Good Wife premiered in 2009 and ran for seven seasons. The drama focused on Alicia Florrick, a woman who must support her politician husband after he is implicated in a sexual misconduct scandal while resuming her legal practice. The makers haven’t revealed the release date of Aamir Ali and Kajol starrer.
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