Mumbai: During an interactive session titled “#asksrk” with his fans on Twitter, Shah Rukh Khan, asked about Salman’s latest single ‘Pyaar Karona’ he said that both the single and singer were good.
“Bhai kamaal ka Single aur Singer hai…” replied Shah Rukh to one of his fans.
However, Shah Rukh Khan’s fans feel that the actor’s statement was a pun on Salman Khan’s bachelorhood.
Asked who he would like to work with between Martin Scorsese and Christopher Nolan, the actor said Raju is quite dear to him.
Shah Rukh tweeted, “Wow both are awesome and I have met them… but Raju apna sa lagta hai… nahi?”
Fans feel that the actor is hinting at his upcoming project with Rajkumar Hirani.
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