Mumbai: After ‘Thalaivii’, actor Kangana Ranaut is set to play Goddess Sita in her forthcoming epic period drama “The Incarnation – Sita.” The film will be directed by Alaukik Desai and backed by producer Saloni Sharma from SS Studio.
“The Incarnation – Sita” has been penned by screenwriter KV Vijayendra Prasad, who also wrote ‘Thalaivii’.
Sharma said Ranaut is the apt choice to play the titular character.
“As a woman, I couldn’t be happier in welcoming Ms Kangana Ranaut onboard our VFX magnum opus, ‘The Incarnation Sita’. Kangana symbolizes the spirit and essence of the Indian woman – fearless, daunting and daring… It’s time we stepped in to celebrate equality in every respect,” the producer said in a statement.