New Delhi: The BJP has expelled its Ladakh unit vice-president, Nazir Ahmed, 74, weeks after his son married a woman from the Buddhist community and the couple eloped. The party said the incident is deemed “unacceptable” by all religious communities in the Union Territory, as it “jeopardises communal harmony and unity” among people.
Nazir’s son, Manzoor Ahmed, 39, worked with a travel agency in Leh. His wife is said to be working with a private firm in Delhi, The Indian Express reported.
In a statement, the BJP’s Ladakh unit said action against its senior leader was taken after he was given an “opportunity to clarify about his involvement in the sensitive issue of elopement of a Buddhist girl by his son.”
The expulsion order was issued by Ladakh BJP chief Phunchok Stanzin after an executive meeting of the party on Wednesday.
The expelled BJP leader said his family was also against the marriage of his son, Manzoor Ahmad, with the Buddhist woman, and he has no idea where they are staying for the past one month. Ahmad, a veteran BJP loyalist, said he was away on Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia when his son and the woman married in a court.
“My son is 39 years old and the woman he married is 35. I believe both had performed nikah way back in 2011. Last month, they performed court marriage when I was away on Haj pilgrimage,” the expelled BJP leader said.