Lucknow: The special investigation team (SIT) of Uttar Pradesh Police on Monday filed a 5,000-page chargesheet in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence against 14 people, including Union Minister of State Ajay Mishra’s son Ashish Mishra.
Exactly three months ago, four protesting farmers and a journalist were allegedly run over by a convoy during a farmers’ protest in UP’s Lakhimpur Kheri district. Violence then broke out between the two parties, leading to the death of two BJP workers.
“On Monday, the SIT filed a chargesheet which is around 5,000 pages against 14 persons into the death of four farmers and a journalist in the local court of Lakhimpur. The chargsheet has been filed on various charges, including murder and attempt to murder,” senior prosecuting officer SP Yadav said.
Also Read: Lakhimpur Kheri Violence: Ashish Mishra Sent To 14-Day Judicial Custody
Thirteen of the chargesheeted persons, including Ashish Mishra, are in jail currently. The 14th person — Virendra Kumar Shukla, who has been charged with destruction of evidence – has not arrested yet been arrested. Shukla is Ajay Mishra’s distant relative and a block pramukh, The Indian Express reported.
The bail application of Ashish Mishra, who was arrested a week after the incident, is pending in the high court.
Also Read: Lakhimpur Kheri Violence: SC Pulls Up UP Govt Again For Dragging Feet