New Delhi: The Law Commission, on Wednesdy, said that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) be brought under the purview of the RTI Act. The Commission gave its observation as the Board falls under the definition of a public authority which has received substantial financing from governments.
After demands that the cricket body be brought under RTI, the Supreme Court had asked the commission to recommend on the matter in July 2016.
The report has been submitted to the Law Ministry and states that BCCI should be classified as ‘state’ within the meaning of Article 12 of the Constitution.
“An analysis of the functioning of BCCI also shows that the government does exercise control over its activities and functioning…BCCI, falling in line with the foreign policy of India, did not recognise a player from South Africa due to their practice of apartheid; and that the cricket matches between India and Pakistan in view of tense international relations were made subject to government approval,” the report stated.
The financial activities of the Board were also pointed out and the Commission noted the BCCI received “substantial financing” from appropriate governments.