New Delhi: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday, arrested Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) leader K Kavitha. She is accused of being a key member of the “South Group,” which allegedly paid the ruling AAP in Delhi kickbacks of Rs 100 crore in return for a big share of liquor licences in the national capital.
Currently under the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED) custody at Tihar Jail over the matter. Kavitha was arrested from her Banjara Hills residence in in Hyderabad on March 15.
Earlier, a Delhi court had allowed the central probe agency to interrogate the BRS MLA. Special Judge Kaveri Baweja had allowed the CBI to visit the jail to record Kavitha’s statement, following the submission of a written notice to the jail superintendent concerned a day before, The Indian Express reported.
The BRS leader was questioned about the WhatsApp chats recovered from co-accused Buchi Babu’s phone and documents related to a land deal, after which an amount of Rs 100 crore was allegedly paid to the AAP in kickbacks to swing the excise policy for the national capital in favour of a liquor lobby.