New Delhi: The price of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders was increased by Rs 25 once again beginning Wednesday, after a consecutive hike of the same amount over two months. Due to the recent revision in LPG rates, the price of a non-subsidised cylinder in Delhi weighing 14.2 kg went up to Rs 884.50 while one weighing the same costs Rs 911 in Kolkata.
After the hike, a 14.2-kilogram domestic cylinder will now cost Rs 884.50 in Delhi and Mumbai. At Rs 911 per cylinder, consumers in Kolkata will have to shell out the most among the four metros.
In the last fortnight, the price of an LPG cylinder has been hiked by Rs 50. It was hiked by Rs 25 on August 18, and again today by Rs 25 per cylinder. In July, the price of cooking gas was increased by Rs 25.50. Thus, in the last two months, the price of LPG has gone up by Rs 75.
The prices of commercial gas cylinders used in restaurants and eateries have also gone up. The price of a 19-kg commercial cylinder has gone up by Rs 75 to currently cost Rs 1,693 in Delhi, while the same costs Rs 1,770.50 in Kolkata.