Mahua Moitra Cash-For-Query Case: Fresh Guidelines To MPs On Use Of Parliament Log-In

New Delhi: They say there are lessons to be learnt from every controversy or row.

Just like the cash-for-questions case involving Mahua Moitra.

Following the uproar over charges against the Trinamool MP of taking bribe from businessman Darshan Hiranandani to ask questions targeting the government, the Lok Sabha Secretariat has clarified that replies to MP’s queries discussed in Parliament’s Question Hour are “strictly confidential till the question has actually been asked and answered in the House.”

The Secretariat further said in a November 10 order that if a question is not asked or answered in allotted time, “the reply should not be released till conclusion of Question Hour,” NDTV reported.

Mahua did admit to sharing log-in details of her account on the Parliament’s website with the businessman, defending herself by saying that there is no rule regulating sharing of log-in credentials. She also claimed that responses to questions become public information when released to MPs.

The Lok Sabha order sought to provide clarity.

“It may be noted that since the replies are login and password-protected on the Members’ portal, they are exclusively for the use of Members only. Members are, therefore, requested to maintain confidentiality of replies and not to share content with others till Question Hour is over,” the order stressed.

“Responses to both oral (starred) and written (unstarred) questions are to be treated as confidential until they are laid on the Table of the House after the Question Hour is over… for a particular date,” it explained.

Answers to MPs’ Starred questions – which require oral answer — are posted to their respective accounts by 9 am on Question Hour day, “to help Members frame supplementaries (follow-up questions).”

Responses to Unstarred questions – which need written answer — are also posted to the account of the MP who raised the issue and on the Lok Sabha website after Question Hour.

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