New Delhi: Jasmeen Kaur, a 21-year-old nursing student from India, was buried alive by her ex-boyfriend after he had bound her with cables in March 2021 in Australia’s Flinders Ranges, a court heard on Wednesday, as per 9News. Her killer Tarikjot Singh committed the act in an “act of vengeance”, the court was further told during the hearing, the outlet further said. Singh was accused of kidnapping Kaur and killing her in March 2021. He pleaded guilty to her murder in February this year. Singh had dumped the woman’s body in a shallow grave from where the police found it.
Prosecutors said Singh planned her killing because he was unable to get over the breakdown of their relationship. Jasmeen Kaur’s mother Rashpaul said Singh was obsessed with her daughter, who refused him “one hundred times”.
According to 9News, Singh kidnapped Kaur from her workplace in Adelaide and drove for four hours with her in the boot of the car. Her body was found blindfolded, limbs bound with cable ties and gaffer tape in a shallow grave in the Flinders Ranges.
Prosecutor Carmen Matteo said the crime involved an “uncommon level of cruelty”.
“She had to have been consciously suffering what could only be described as the absolute terror of breathing in and swallowing soil and dying in that way,” Matteo was quoted as saying.
Kaur’s family, including her mother, had earlier said that she was “tormented at the thought” of what her daughter endured in her final moments. “I go through a terrible sequence of events, I wonder when she realised she was in mortal danger,” she said in a victim impact statement, according to ABC News.
There was no one to rescue her, she spent her last hour on this earth with the worst of humanity. Jasmeen is gone and I am heartbroken, she was a precious little girl,” she said, adding she would never forgive Singh for what he had done. The man was told in court he will be jailed for life.
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